Exhibition Flyer
Exhibition Press-Release
The Pavement Gallery kicks off on 12 December with a pop-up exhibition from art & design specialists, Briggs & Cole, who invited twelve artists and designers to each create a scarf based on their interpretation of music and collage. Devised and curated by Jane Briggs and Christy Cole, the exhibition is called ‘No_Line_No_Wave’. The curators asked the participants to design their own unique scarf taking into consideration the theme, but also as a functional, wearable item of clothing. The result is 12 highly individual designs, which can be appreciated individually or viewed collectively as part of ‘No_Line_No_Wave’.
The designs have been inspired by a range of influences, from Paolo Nutini and The Smiths, to the Barrowlands, cubism, rhythm and musical patterns.
Work Exhibited

Laurence Figgis, Blonda, 2014 (scarf design for Briggs & Cole), digital print on silk, 90 x 90 cm

Laurence Figgis, Blonda, 2014 (scarf design for Briggs & Cole) (detail), digital print on silk, 90 x 90 cm

Laurence Figgis, Blonda, 2014 (scarf design for Briggs & Cole) (detail), digital print on silk, 90 x 90 cm

Laurence Figgis, Blonda (scarf design for Briggs & Cole), 2014, digital image